Melissa is 22yrs old from Florida. She began at age 13 in our Teen Guidance Program, and is currently in our Transitional Guidance Program. Melissa was an Honor student all throughout high-school, graduating with high honors.
At age 17, near her 18th birthday, Melissa had the idea for our Transitional Guidance Program. A program for 18 to 25Yr old’s. She created this program and set forth the rules and guidelines for the program. The program has been very successful. Currently the program is made up of former Teen Guidance Program members. Teens are given the option at age 18 and after graduating high-school to join the Transitional Guidance program.
Melissa went on to college, completing her 2yr associates degree 2yrs ago. She made Deans list almost every semester. She went on to get her Bachelors degree in psychology and is starting her masters program later this year. Melissa is working towards her PhD in Psychology, specializing in Genetics Counseling.
Melissa also works for the PASS Organization as our Guidance Program Supervisor/Manager. She has many responsibilities but her biggest one is to randomly reach out to program members and check on how they are getting along with their guide. The teens or young adults can also reach out to her for any problems or concerns about the program, their guide and the teens in the Teen Guidance Program go to Melissa for any items they may need such as shoes, clothing or school supplies.
Comments about Melissa from the Director.
“As Director and guide of the guidance programs, I do not know where these programs would be without Melissa. She cares for each and every member in our program with sincere, genuine and honest feelings.”
” Melissa is an example and role model to the younger teens and young adults in each program. Each member looks up to Melissa and some has even set goals to be more like her.”
Check our Facebook page out periodically to see updates about Melissa and other “spotlighted” program members.
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